Photos and descriptions of many of the recipients of the Award. Padraig O’Malley was honored at the Community Church of Boston for playing a major role in breaking the gridlock and promoting peace in South Africa, Northern Ireland, and the Middle East. Kathleen Denevan, OSF and Ruth Raichle are honored for their decades-long commitment to prison ministry through The Bethany House Ministries in Millis. Noam Chomsky receives the Courage of Conscience award from Maureen Gaynor at MIT for his unrelenting critique of U.S. foreign policy, capitalism, Vegan Activist, Philip Murphy was honored at Pacifist Memorial on May 8th, 2022. Sting with Mikey, Chris and Meg following Great Woods concert and Courage of Conscience Award presentation. Following Mother Teresa’s visit to the Life Experience School in 1988, she received the Courage of Conscience Award in New York City at St. Patrick’s Cathedral following Mass for the Missionaries of Charity. Maureen Gaynor receives the Courage of Conscience Award on November 30, 2015 in the field of Disability Rights. Sir Ben Kensley receives the Courage of Conscience Award from Vani Manchanda in front of the Gandhi Statue which was on exhibit at Montrose School in Medfield, MA. Muhammad Ali receives the 1994 Courage of Conscience Award from Pat Farren who was honored the following year for establishing Peacework Magazine of the American Friends Service Committee. Sculptor George Greenamyer was honored for creating public works of art that challenge the accepted norms of greed, hypocrisy and manipulation in capitalist society. Artist, activist and pacifist William Kelly from Australia receives the Courage of Conscience Award at Abbey Conference Center. Mikhail Gorbachev, the eighth and final leader of the Soviet Union was honored in Boston during an improptu meeting with Petey Berard and his father Wayne-Daniel. Sonam Deckyi receives the award for her son Ngawang Choephel in absentia at Harvard University. (Ngawang was serving 6 years in a Chinese prison for filming music and dance in his homeland of Tibet.) Francis Crowe and Juanita Nelson receive the award at War Resisters Conference at the Peace Abbey. At Unitarian Church in Sherborn during the Boston Vegetarian Society Lecture, Will Tuttle is honored. Benebikira Sisters of Rwanda are honored during ceremony for the Unknown Civilians Killed in war. School teacher and visionary Betsy Sawyer receives the Courage of Conscience Children’s award at the Peace Abbey for the Big Book for Peace. The Book was displayed at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City on March 20, 2016. Maha Ghosanda, Supreme Patriarch of Cambodian Buddism, honored upon his visit to the Abbey during which he suggested that the stone for Unknown Civilians Killed in War should be taken to Arlington National Cemetery. His remarks at the stone led to Stonewalk. Dadi Janki Spiritual leader, ethical vegetarian, member of the UN “Wisdom Keepers” for 70 years of humanitarian work throughout the world received the Courage of Conscience Award in Cambridge. in 2005. Sr. Anne Montgomery honored a week before her passing for a life devoted to serving those in war zones throughout the world as a Christian pacifist. Matt Mitchell receives the award at the Unitarian Church in Duxbury for his 100 Faces of the War Experience in 2015 which captures the stories of veterans returning from Afganistan and Iraq. Jane O’Hara’s devotion to animals through her artistry was celebrated with the Courage of Conscience Award in 2015 at the Duxbury Courage of Conscience Award Concert. Cindy Sheehan honored for revitalizing the Peace Movement and giving a face to the movement to end the war in Iraq. This she did as a result of the death of her son Casey, a soldier killed 2004 in Iraq. Senator Edward Kennedy receives the posthumous award for his brother Robert Francis Kennedy who was an anti-war candidate for the presidency in 1968. RFK was assassinated following his victory in the California Democratic Primary on June 5, 1968. Francis Crowe gives touching acceptance speech after receiving the award at the Peace Abbey Conference Center. Pam Benejamin and her campers received the humanitarian award at their 25th-anniversary celebration on Martha’s Vineyard. The camp has a global outreach program that serves boat builders in the Carribean and throughout the Third World. Keydong Thuk-Che-Cho-Ling Nunery for providing sanctuary for cows and sheep that escape the slaughterhouses near their Kathmandu convent. Award recipient Camilo Mejia at the Memorial stone for Civilians Killed in War. Matthew Fox, author of 30 books that sold millions of copies on Creation Spirituality received the award in Boston in 2006. Code Pink honored at Agape Center in LA. Political satirist Barry Crimmins honored with Maya Angelou at the Peace Abbey Conference Center. Rigoberta Menchu, Mayan leader honored for her leadership in the liberation movement of the indigenous people of Central America. Eddie Lama honored for his work in NYC to open the eyes of the general public to the brutal relationship humans have with animals when it comes to food choices. Anuradha Koirala honored for working to stop the trafficking of young girls from Nepal to India to be sexual slaves. Thich Nhat Hanh honored in Newton, MA following Mindful Training and the blessing of the National Registry for Conscientious Objection. S. Brian Wilson honored at the JFK Library during the Legacy of the Peace Movement Concert in 1992. Comedian Jimmy Tingle honored for his brilliant and thoughtful routines that address the ills of society in such a way that hearts and minds open and a shift toward goodness occurs. Richie Havens was honored at the Peace Abbey and was the presenter of the award to Dr. Benjamin Spock at the JFK Library in 1992. Paul Winter received the award following his concert at Symphony Hall in Boston. Katy Kelly was honored during a ceremony which launched Stonewalk. Mother Antonia received the award at the University of San Diego Peace Center. Dalai Lama expresses gratitude when receiving the award from Lewis Randa. “The unique and primary mission of the Courage of Conscience Award is to honor and link high profile peacemakers, those well-known, widely publicized and well regarded – with lesser-known activists who are equally deserving – yet not widely known, nor sufficiently supported.” Recipients are from the following countries: USA, Sweden, Nicaragua, El Salvador, India, Tibet, Viet Nam, Egypt, Israel, Australia, China, Soviet Union, Cambodia, Argentina, Japan, England, Palestine, Rwanda, Nepal, Spain, Mexico, France, South Africa & Columbia. Listed in the Order of Receiving the Award 1. OXFAM AMERICA 2. ELLWOOD KIESER 3. DICK SCOBIE 4. JAMES R. BROCKMAN 5. JOACHIM LALLY 6. PETER, PAUL & MARY 7. PEACE BRIGADES INTERNATIONAL 8. VOICE of the VOICELESS OF EL SALVADOR 9. ERNESTO CARDENAL 10. MOTHER TERESA of CALCUTTA (AGNES GONXHA BOYAXHIU) 11. FINDING 12. JOSE “CHENCHO” ALAS 13. RAUL JULIA 14. THE XIV DALAI LAMA of TIBET (TENZIN GYATSO) 15. HOWARD W. MOORE 16. SISSELA BOK 17. THICH NHAT HANH 18. ZELL DRAZ 19. DANIEL BERRIGAN 20. RICHIE HAVENS 21. FRANK CORDARO 22. CAMELIA SADAT 23. RAM DASS 24. PAUL WINTER 25. JIM & KATHLEEN MCGINNIS 26. MICHAL SCHWARTZ 27. WESTON PRIORY MONKS 28. BENJAMIN SPOCK 29. HELEN CALDICOTT 30. DAVE DELLINGER 31. S. BRIAN WILLSON 32. CURTIS and LISA SLIWA 33. ROSA PARKS 34. BETSY CORNER & RANDY KEHLER 35. ARUN & SUNANDA GANDHI 36. GORDON ZAHN 37. ED McCURDY 38. RAMSEY CLARK 39. ARLO GUTHRIE 40. LOUISE CARCIONE 41. ELIAS & HEYEM JABBOUR 42. BARRY CRIMMINS 43. MAYA ANGELOU 44. MUHAMMAD ALI 45. RIGOBERTA MENCHU 46. INGRID NEWKIRK and ALEX PACHECO 47. LAWRENCE MARTIN JENCO 48. MICHAEL KLAPER 49. RON DELLA CHIESA 50. HARRY WU 51. MATTHEW FOX 52. SIKH DHARMA 53. WILLIAM JOHNSTON 54. PAT FARREN 55. COLMAN McCARTHY 56. LOUISE COLEMAN 57. HOWARD ZINN 58. RALPH DiGIA 59. ROSE & BILL ABBOTT 60. GENE and LORRI BAUSTON 61. MIKHAIL GORBACHEV 62. MICHAEL TOBIAS 63. MAHA GHOSANANDA 64. HOWARD LYMAN 65. CHRIS DeROSE 66. PATCH ADAMS 67. GURUDEV SHREE CHITRABHANU 68. AARON FEUERSTEIN 69. HUGH C. THOMPSON, JR. 70. LAWRENCE COLBURN 71. PEACE PAGODA 72. STANLEY KUNITZ 73. NGAWANG CHOEPHEL 74. JUAN CARRERO SARALEGUI 75. YOKO KAWASHIMA WATKINS 76. KATHY KELLY 77. JUN YASUDA 78. LOUISE FRANKLIN-RAMERIZ 79. RICHARD McSORLEY 80. JIM WALLIS 81. ELISE BOULDING 82. BARBARA SONNEBORN 83. JIMMY TINGLE 84. STING and TRUDIE STYLER 85. MICHIO and AVELINE KUSHI 86. HARVARD LIVING WAGE CAMPAIGN and the 87. MICHAEL TRUE 88. MICHAEL PATRICK MacDONALD 89. SR. JEANNETTE NORMANDIN 90. JOHN ROBBINS 91. KEYDONG THUK-CHE-CHO-LING NUNNERY 92. EDDIE LAMA 93. ROY BOURGEOIS 94. REPRESENTATIVE BARBARA LEE 95. MICHAEL LERNER & TIKKUN MAGAZINE 96. PETER AND ILKA SHUMANN AND THE BREAD & PUPPET THEATRE 97. JULIA BUTTERFLY HILL 98. JULIA ESTY AND SHELAGH FOREMAN 99. CHRIS HEDGES 100. WILLIAM SLOANE COFFIN 101. RUTH HILLER AND NEW PROFILE 102. SEPTEMBER 11TH FAMILIES FOR PEACEFUL TOMORROWS 103. PAUL AND TATIANA RUSESABAGINA 104. CAMILO MEJIA 105. DADI JANKI 106. CINDY SHEEHAN 107. MILITARY FAMILIES SPEAK OUT 108. ROBERT COLES 109. JUANITA AND WALLY NELSON 110. WILLIAM KELLY 111. ANURADHA KOIRALA 112. SOS GALGOS 113. HUSTON SMITH 114. SURVIVORS OF GERNIKA BOMBING 115. FRANCES CROWE 116. GRASSROOTS SOCCER: Ethan Zohn and Dr. Tommy Clark 117. CODEPINK: Jodie Evans 118. JACKSON BROWNE 119. WILL TUTTLE 120. BURMESE ORDER OF BUDDHIST MONKS (in absentia) 121. GREG MORTENSON AND THE CENTRAL ASIA INSTITUTE 122. GENE SHARP 123. FACING HISTORY AND OURSELVES 124. TOMMIE SMITH 125. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF 13 INDIGENOUS GRANDMOTHERS 126. SIR BEN KINGSLEY 127. PAUL FARMER & PARTNERS IN HEALTH 128. PETE SEEGER 129. COMBATANTS FOR PEACE 130. HOUSE OF PEACE 131. SUZANNE AND BRAYTON SHANLEY AND THE AGAPE COMMUNITY 132. FATHER JOHN DEAR S.J. 133. CHINA GALLAND 134. MOTHER ANTONIA BRENNER 135. BENEBIKIRA SISTERS OF RWANDA 136. GREENPEACE 137. DESMOND TUTU 138. FRANK ROBINSON 139. DENNIS KUCINICH 140. NELSON MANDELA 141. JOAN BAEZ 142. ANNE MONTGOMERY 143. FIONA JENSEN / CALMER CHOICE 144. VICKI POPPE 145. JANE O’HARA 146 . GEORGE GREENAMYER 147. MATT MITCHELL 148. MARY LAMPERT / Pilgrim Watch & Pilgrim Coalition 149. PAM BENJAMIN / Sense of Wonder Creations 150. MAUREEN GAYNOR 151. L’ARCHE INTERNATIONAL 152. CHERI AND JIM VANDERSLUIS 153. NOAM CHOMSKY 154. KATHLEEN DENEVAN, OSF AND RUTH RAICHLE 155. JAMES W. GOULD 156. HAROLD L. HERING 157. PADRAIG O’MALLEY 158. MARY MARGARET EARL 159. CAROL COAKLEY 160. PHILIP MURPHY 161. LILLIAN GREGORY 162. DEAN STEVENS 163. CAROL BEDROSIAN 164. CRADLEBOARD TEACHING PROJECT / BUFFY SAINTE-MARIE 165. BARRY LEVY 166. TIM AND JANE MCHALE 167. ANGELA DAVIS CHILDREN’S PEACE AWARDS: 1. JIM HENSON 2. EARTH GUARDIANS AND THE CHILDREN’S 3. COLOMBIAN CHILDREN’S PEACE MOVEMENT 4. BETSY SAWYER & THE PAGES FOR PEACE PROJECT POSTHUMOUS AWARDS: 1. ANWAR SADAT 2. ALVA MYRDAL 3. MAHATMA GANDHI 4. PEACE PILGRIM 5. BEN LINDER 6. ABBIE HOFFMAN 7. JOHN ONO LENNON 8. OSCAR ROMERO 9. DOROTHY DAY 10. ROBERT FRANCIS KENNEDY 11. REV. DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. 12. WOODY GUTHRIE 13. GLENN ANDREOTTA 14. JOSEPH MOAKLEY 15. SAMANTHA SMITH 16. VIRGINIA “GINNY” BOUVIER 17. ANDREA BINDER Courage of Conscience Award recipient Jimmy Tingle shares autographed MLK book with recipient Lillian Gregory at event that unveiled bronze plaque honoring her husband of 58 years, Dick Gregory.Angela Davis honored at Swarthmore College by students in the Peace and Social justice Department.
Meg Randa presents the Award to Lillian Gregory as part of the unveiling of the bronze plaque honoring her husband, Dick Gregory.
Rev. Mary Margaret Earl honored during 2021 Pacifist Memorial Dedication Ceremony
for her decades-long commitment to integrating vegan ethics into her ministry. Abbey Chaplain, Dot Walsh presents award to Peace Activist Carol Coakley.
and the globalization of systems and structures of profit and greed. Presentation.
Dr. Paul Farmer of Partners in Health receives the award in Sherborn, MA upon his return from Haiti where he practices medicine in small clinics throughout the countryside.Ingrid Newkirk, Co-founder of PETA with companion.
To Make Gentle the Life of the World
– Lewis M. Randa, Executive Director, The Peace Abbey Foundation
1988 – 2025
International humanitarian and hunger relief organization for its innovative self-help community programs assisting people in developing nations. Read More
Priest and founding Producer of Paulist Productions for creating the films Romero – The Life of Archbishop Oscar Romero and Entertaining Angels – the Life of Dorothy Day. Read more.
Quaker, pacifist, Executive Director of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee for his work to expose human rights violations in El Salvador and to promote peace throughout Central America. Read more.
Priest and author for his book Romero – The Life of Archbishop Oscar Romero, martyr of El Salvador. Read more.
Paulist Priest and community activist for his work within the Massachusetts Latino community. Read more.
Musical trio and political activists for their commitment to peace in Central America and for supporting musically and personally the peace and social justice movement in America. Read More
Gandhian human rights organization for providing unarmed accompaniment to activists on death squad lists throughout the Third World. Read More
Humanitarian group for its efforts to protect and empower the impoverished in El Salvador. Read more
Jesuit priest, poet, philosopher and former Secretary of the Interior and Education in the Sandinista Government in Nicaragua for bringing the gospel into politics. Read more.
Catholic nun, a humanitarian and spiritual teacher for her work with the Missionaries of Charity serving the poorest of the poor in India and throughout the world. Read More
Human rights organization for its efforts to assist families in locating those who disappeared in Guatemala. Read more
Priest, social revolutionary, and aide to Monsignor Oscar Romero for bringing the social gospel to base communities in El Salvador and Nicaragua. Read more.
Actor and humanitarian for his portrayal of Archbishop Romero in the film “Romero” and Chico Mendez in the film “Burning Seasons”. Read more.
Buddhist monk, humanitarian, spiritual teacher and exiled leader of Tibet for his example of compassion and forgiveness following the massacre of his people and culture by the occupying army of China. Read More
Secular humanist and pacifist for his tenacious and impassioned leadership as a conscientious objector during WWI & II, Korea, and Vietnam. Read more.
Scholar, educator, and author for her contributions to peacemaking strategies in the tradition of her mother, Alva Myrdal. Read More.
Exiled Vietnamese Buddhist monk, humanitarian, author, ethical vegetarian, and spiritual teacher for his example of compassion and forgiveness following the destructive war in Vietnam. Read More
Philanthropist and social activist for her supportive and creative involvement in the Quaker-based Alternatives to Violence program in prisons. Read more.
Jesuit priest, poet, philosopher, author, and anti-war activist for his moral leadership in the pacifist movement for peace, justice, and social change. Read more.
Singer, environmentalist and political activist for his musical contribution to the peace movement and for being a friend to those who struggle against injustice, exploitation and neglect. Read more.
Pacifist and Catholic Worker activist for his witness and commitment to the disarmament movement and his efforts to bring the Catholic Church into alignment with its highest calling. Read more.
Muslim, educator, and activist for carrying on the peacemaking legacy of her soldier-turned-peacemaker father, Anwar Sadat. Read more.
Teacher, author, and spiritual guide for teaching us to be here now and that compassion is the true source of service. Read more.
Composer, musician, environmentalist, and pacifist for creating music that celebrates the sacredness of life and for his support of the arts. Read More
Catholic educators, pacifists, authors and co-founders of the Institute for Peace and Justice for their extraordinary commitment to teaching and spreading peace. Read more.
Israeli Jew, human rights activist, and journalist for her work to promote peace and social justice and a homeland for Palestinians. Read more.
Congregation of Benedictine monks for their active involvement in the sanctuary movement for Guatemalans and Salvadorans in exile. Read more.
Pediatrician, ethical vegetarian, socialist, and author for his lifelong commitment to disarmament and peaceable child-rearing.
Pacifist, physician, author, and founder of the Women for Nuclear Disarmament (WAND) for her dynamic leadership in the worldwide disarmament movement. Read more.
Anti-war activist, socialist and author for his lifelong commitment to pacifist values and for serving as a spokesperson for the peace movement. Read more.
Vietnam veteran, anti-war activist and author for his extraordinary personal sacrifices to demonstrate opposition to militarism and U.S. involvement in Latin America. Read more.
Social change and inner-city activists for their work to establish the Guardian Angels in major cities on every continent in the world. Read more.
Elder spokeswoman and activist for her continual example of community service and for her lifelong commitment to civil rights and non-violent social change. Read more.
Pacifists, anti-war activists, and example-setting parents for their sacrifices and leadership in the war tax resistance movement. Read more.
Teachers, authors, pacifists, and co-founders of the M. K. Gandhi Institute for Non-Violence in Memphis, Tennessee for bringing the legacy of Gandhi to America. Read more.
Scholar, teacher, and Catholic pacifist for his lifelong commitment to the ideals of nonviolence and conscientious objection and for his work with the Second Vatican Council to make the Catholic Church a church of peace. Read more.
Singer, songwriter, and television actor for his anti-war classic “Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream” which inspired and gave hope to those in the peace movement. Read more.
Former Attorney General and peace and social justice activist for his commitment to civil rights, his opposition to war and military spending, and his dedication to providing legal representation to the peace movement, particularly, his efforts to free Leonard Peltier. Read more.
Singer, songwriter, and political activist for his life and his music that carry on the legacy of his minstrel father, Woody Guthrie. Presented at Harvard University on September 26, 1992. Read more.
Social worker and political activist for her dedicated leadership in community development in the City of Boston. Read more.
Peace activists and co-founders of The House of Hope International Peace Center in Israel for their work to bring Muslims, Jews and Christians together in the struggle against voices of extremism and blind hatred throughout the region. Read more.
Pacifist, ethical vegetarian, political satirist, and child welfare activist for his work to expose situations that exploit people in the developing world and children here in America. Read More
Humanitarian, philosopher, poet, and author for her soaring inspiration to live life with intensity, integrity, and intelligence. Read More.
Muslim, humanitarian, anti-war activist, and former Heavyweight Boxing Champion of the World for his commitment to peacemaking and his leadership as a conscientious objector during the Vietnam War. Read More
Mayan leader and author for her personal sacrifices and unrelenting commitment to exposing human rights violations against indigenous people in Guatemala and throughout Latin America. Read more.
Animal rights activists, vegans, and co-founders of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals for their pioneering work to expose cruelty to animals and to promote vegetarianism. Read More
Catholic priest, author, and teacher for his capacity to forgive his captures having been held hostage for 19 months and tortured by religious extremists in Beruit. Read more.
Philosopher, humanitarian, and environmentalist for the clarity and passion of his witness as a vegan physician and surgeon. Read more.
Classical and jazz scholar for being a steward of intergenerational music that binds society and elevates cultural integrity. Read more.
Human rights activist and author for his extraordinary sacrifices and commitment to exposing human rights violations in his motherland China. Read more.
Environmental theologian, teacher, and author for his inspiring teachings on Creation Spirituality. Read More
Sikh Dharma in the Western Hemisphere for the organization’s extraordinary efforts to promote interfaith reconciliation. Read more.
Police officer and humanitarian for years of community service as a decoy in the Boston Police Department out of a desire to find kinship with the victims of society. Read more.
Former Peace Corps volunteer, pacifist, and founding editor of “Peace Work” (the peace and social justice magazine of the American Friends Service Committee) for lifelong service to the causes of peace, social justice, and human rights. Read more.
Pacifist, journalist, and ethical vegetarian for his nationally syndicated column in the Washington Post. Read more.
Animal rights activist for her pioneering work to save greyhounds from death following their exploitation at racing parks throughout New England. Read more.
Scholar, author, anti-war activist, and leader of the peace movement for giving voice to the victims of oppression and for his revealing book, People’s History of the United States. Read more.
Secular humanist and pacifist for his example as a conscientious objector and for over forty years of dedicated service at the War Resister’s League in New York City. Read more.
Humanitarians, farmers, and co-founders of Food for the Needy for their 25 years of growing acres of vegetables and donating the harvests to the poor in the Worcester/Boston area. Read more.
Ethical vegetarians, animal rights activists, humanitarians, and co-founders of Farm Sanctuary for their commitment to saving farm animals and for their leadership as vegan pacifists. Read more.
Last President of the Soviet Union for his historic role in the evolution of Glasnost – openness in government – and for his leadership in the disarmament negotiations with the United States during the Reagan Administration. Read more.
Humanitarian, scholar, author, film producer, and ethical vegetarian for his dedication to issues of overpopulation, the environment, and ahimsa (dynamic harmlessness). Read more.
Pacifist, ethical vegetarian, author, and Supreme Patriarch of Cambodian Buddhism for teaching non-violence and establishing Buddhist temples throughout the world that root his exiled people in their religion of peace. Read more.
Ethical vegetarian and fourth-generation cattle rancher- turned vegan for his leadership in the animal rights movement. Read more.
Former actor, vegan, animal rights activist, and founder of Last Chance for Animals for his commitment to saving animals and exposing animal abuse in entertainment, medical research and food production. Read more.
Physician, professional clown, and socialist for his commitment to providing health care for indigent and uninsured people, free of charge, without malpractice insurance, out of his home for over 25 years. Read More
Jain teacher, ethical vegetarian, pacifist, and author for his unprecedented journey to bring the Jain tradition of ahimsa to the Western Hemisphere. Read more.
Industrialist and philanthropist for setting the standard for commitment to employees following a devastating fire at his Malden Mills manufacturing plant. Read more.
American soldier and Veterans Administration counselor for his extraordinary moral courage while stopping the My Lai massacre in Vietnam in 1968 and saving the lives of dozens of civilian Vietnamese. Read More
American soldier for his courage during the 1968 My Lai massacre with comrades Hugh C. Thompson, Jr. and Glen Andreotta in saving the lives of dozens of civilian Vietnamese. Read more.
International Japanese Nipponzan Buddhist Order is devoted to prayer and service for the Interfaith Pilgrimage of the Middle Passage – Tracing the Journey of Slavery (United States, Caribbean, Brazil, West Africa, South Africa). Read more.
Pulitzer Prize-winning poet and conscientious objector for his contribution to the liberation of the human spirit through his poetry. Read more.
Tibetan scholar for his courage in returning to Tibet to preserve the history and diversity of Tibetan oral tradition in music and dance. Presented in absentia to his mother Sonam Dekyi. Read More Web Link Photos by Scott Langley
Spanish activist, conscientious objector, and Gandhian pacifist for his lifelong commitment to non-violence and his work to halt and expose the truth behind the genocide in the Great Lakes Nations of Africa. Read more.
Author for her poignant and eloquent accounting of her courageous struggle against oppression during World War II and her inspiration to young people throughout America and the world. Read more.
Founder and leader of Voices in the Wilderness for her extraordinary commitment to befriend the Iraqi people and bring to light their great suffering under the immoral UN/US economic sanctions. Read more.
Buddhist nun, member of the Nipponzan Myohoji Community, and Founder of the Grafton Peace Pagoda for living and walking for Peace and Non-Violence, nationally and internationally. Read more.
Feminist, environmentalist, anti-war activist, and leader in the movements for gender equality, social justice, non-violence, and peace for her demonstrated vision, energy, and idealism on the pathway to peacemaking over a period of seven decades. Read more.
Jesuit priest, author, Catholic worker, teacher, pacifist, and Founder and Director of the Center for Peace Studies at Georgetown University for his lifelong commitment to activist Gospel living in the face of adversity. Read more.
Minister and author for his work in advocating for peace and social justice in urban America and for his role as founder of Sojourners Magazine and the Call to Renewal. Read more.
Quaker pacifist, author, professor, and futurist for her lifelong commitment and contributions to peace and justice, envisioning the Peaceable Kingdom as a shared reality. Read more.
Director, writer and producer of the documentary film “Regret to Inform” for her courage in helping us understand the tragedy of war through sharing her tragic and poignant story and similar stories of other widows of the Vietnam War. Read more.
Political satirist, practitioner of non-violence and activist for peace & social change, whose humor and satire help in combating destructive elements in society. Read more.
Singer/songwriter, documentary film producers for their commitment to the environment through the establishment of the Rainforest Foundation; to human rights in China through the documentary film on Tiananmen Square; and to peace and social justice through the powerful gift of song. Read more.
Founders of The Kushi Institute for their extraordinary contribution to diet, health and world peace, and for serving as powerful examples of conscious living. Read more.
University labor movement collaboration for the clarity of their message, passion of their witness, and courage and commitment in demanding that Harvard pay all its employees a living wage. Read more.
Pacifist, educator, author, and lifelong peace activist for his compassionate and compelling leadership in the movement for peace and non-violent social change, and for serving as a mentor and beacon of integrity for pacifists throughout America. Read more.
Author, community organizer, and peace activist for his courage and committed efforts to stem the tide of inner-city violence through the establishment of the gun-buyback program in Boston. Read more.
Sister of St. Anne, counselor, prison chaplain, and founder of the Ruah House, serving women living with HIV, for the clarity of her vision, her decades of work with prisoners and the poor in the inner city, and for her courageous devotion to the call for women to serve humanity within the Roman Catholic Church as equals in the eyes of Christ. Read more.
Author, animal rights activist, environmentalist, vegan, and founder of EarthSave, for his extraordinary leadership in the global movement for a plant-based diet that promotes health, cruelty-free living, and a commitment to a diet for a new America. Read More
First Tibetan Buddhist nuns in history to embark on the sacred journey of mandala building, and for their ancient tradition of providing sanctuary for cows and sheep that escape from slaughterhouses near their Kathmandu convent. Read more.
New York City contractor, community organizer, ethical vegan, and animal rights activist for his passionate efforts to educate the general public about the injustice of animal exploitation. Read more.
Veteran, priest, and founder of The School of the Americas Watch for his leadership and unrelenting commitment to close down the SOA training base for US sponsored terrorism in Latin America. Read more.
US Representative from California for her courage to stand alone and vote against the call to war after the tragedy of September 11. In her speech she said, “let us not become the evil that we deplore”. Read more.
Rabbi, author, and editor of Tikkun magazine for his unflinching courage and relentless spiritual optimism for the Middle East and for proclaiming a vision of compassion and love in the darkest of times. Read more
Founders of The Bread and Puppet Theater for their commitment to promoting social awareness through compelling political and artistic productions that address social and economic injustices. Read more
Author, environmentalist, vegan, and social change activist for her extraordinary commitment to saving the Redwood Forest through her Luna Tree-sit, and ongoing efforts to educate, inspire, and further the movement for peace and social justice. Read more
Anti-war, nuclear freeze and social justice activists for their unrelenting work against the spread of militarism and a culture of violence. Both women devote their lives to promoting the causes of peace and nonviolence and serve as an inspiration to thousands on the pathway of peacemaking. Read more
War correspondent, New York Times reporter and author for his passionate commitment to demythologize and explain the abomination of war and its destructive effects on civil society. Read more.
Christian minister, author, anti-war activist and mentor to a generation of peacemakers for his life-long Gospel witness, and his passionate and prophetic leadership in the peace and social justice movements. Read more.
American-born, Israeli Jew for her unswerving devotion to the ideals of New Profile which strives to change the military mindset in Israel and create a civil society. Read more.
For their courage in turning grief into action by creating solidarity with victims of terrorism, violence, and war throughout the world. Read more
In honor of their extraordinary efforts that saved the lives of over twelve hundred innocent people at the Hotel Milles Collines during the genocide in Rwanda in 1994. Read more
Iraq War Conscientious Objector, Amnesty International Prisoner of Conscience, and ethical vegetarian. Read more.
Spiritual leader, ethical vegetarian, member of the UN “Wisdom Keepers” for 70 years of humanitarian work throughout the world. Read more.
Mother, author, ethical vegetarian for the power of her witness against the war as generated through her profound sense of loss following the death of her son Casey in Iraq. Read more
For bringing together thousands of families and loved ones of those serving in the military to speak out against the illegal war in Iraq. Read More
Child psychiatrist, oral historian, social anthropologist, and teacher for the depth of his commitment to the health and well-being of children through their telling of their own stories. Read more
Farmers, civil rights activists, pacifists and war tax resisters for their love & generosity and their spirited life of service to the movements of social justice, activist nonviolence and peace. Read more
International artist, humanist, human rights advocate, and founder of the Archive of Humanist Art, which features art that addresses humanist peace concerns. Read more
Founder and director of Maiti Nepal, (“Mother’s House”) to rescue, rehabilitate, and support some of the thousands of girls and women who have been trafficked from Nepal to India to be sexual slaves in brothels. Read more
A Greyhound adoption and advocacy group based in Spain for their tireless and courageous effort to save and protect these animals Read more
For his life-long commitment to bringing the world’s religions together to promote understanding, social justice and peace. Read more
For their promotion of reconciliation, their commitment to peace for the children of Gernika and the world, and for sharing their remarkable journey with grace and dignity. Read more
For her lifelong commitment to the Peace Movement and her unrelenting opposition to war through war tax resistance and eco-pacifist lifestyle. Read more.
For their combined humanitarian efforts to spread HIV education throughout Africa via soccer teams for youth and young adults. Read More
For the passionate and driven direction women have given the peace movement through this organization that blends tenacity with hope, pranks of conscience with in-your-face challenges to war waging political figures in Washington. Read more
For promoting peace and justice through his music and his unrelenting support for that which promotes nonviolent solutions to problems both nationally and internationally.Read More
For spreading an understanding of the many costs of our exploitation of animals through his book “The World Peace Diet” which furthers the vegan revolution and its outreach worldwide. Read More
For leading the people of Burma in nonviolent Gandhian protest against the cruel and oppressive Burmese military junta. Read more
For the extraordinary humanitarian effort and commitment to build schools for girls and create bridges of peace in Pakistan and Afghanistan.Read More
For his lifelong commitment to the defense of freedom, democracy, and the reduction of political violence through scholarly analysis of the power of nonviolent action. Read more.
For engaging students of diverse backgrounds in an examination of racism, prejudice, and antisemitism in order to promote the development of a more humane and informed citizenry.Read More
For his life-long commitment to athletics, education, and human rights following his silent gesture of protest at the ’68 Olympics in Mexico City. Read More
For their individual and collective efforts to give a voice to all indigenous peoples and Mother Earth through education and prayer. Read more
For his extraordinary portrayal of Mohandas K. Gandhi in the 1982 motion picture, GANDHI brought to life the power of nonviolence and pacifism. Read more
For saving lives by providing free health care to people in the world’s poorest communities and working to improve health care systems globally. Read More
For his commitment to peace and social justice as a musician, songwriter, activist, and environmentalist that spans over seventy years. Read More
Courageous individuals from Israel and Palestine who transformed their lives and now work together to educate the public and political leaders about how to create dialogue and stop the cycle of violence. Read More
Founded by Carrie and John Schuchardt to provide physical refuge and spiritual sanctuary to victims of war. Read more
Co-Founders of a Catholic retreat center with a focus on nonviolence, peacemaking and sustainable living. Read More
Jesuit Priest, author, lecturer, peace activist and vegetarian, for his solidarity, and leadership in nonviolent resistance and Gospel living. Read More
Author, filmmaker, university lecturer for her immense social consciousness, spiritual courage and devotion to telling the story of reclaiming Love Cemetery in Texas. Read more
Catholic nun, founder of the order of Eudist Servants of the Eleventh Hour for her prison ministry in Tijuana living in a cell for over thirty years. Read more
Catholic nuns and educators for their compassionate voices and work in caring for and sheltering the victims of the genocide in Rwanda in 1994. Read more
International peace and environmental organization for decades of engaged activism that serves to inspire citizens of the world to embrace their moral authority and bring about needed social change in the world. Read more
Anti-apartheid spiritual leader of South Africa who provided his country and the world with a moral understanding of the evils of apartheid and the importance and power of truth and reconciliation on the path to healing his nation. Read more
Visionary and founder of Camp Arrowhead and Camp Warren for working with the Amputee Veteran’s Association to create America’s first day camp for children with physical disabilities and creating camping opportunities for children and young adults for over a half a century. Read more
U.S. Congressman from Ohio for speaking out against the obscenity of war, Wall Street greed, and materialism, while giving voice to the needs of all people as well as animals as a Vegan Peacemaker. Read more
Anti-apartheid leader and first president of a free South Africa for his courage, commitment, and extraordinary willingness to forgive and reconcile after 27 years in prison. Read more
Singer, songwriter, and musician for her extraordinary commitment to peace, social and economic justice, human rights and the environment, on and off stage throughout the world, for over a half of century. Read more.
Catholic nun, pacifist, educator and peace activist for a lifetime of service to those in need in America and in war-torn countries throughout the world. Read more.
Occupational Therapist, educator and founder of Calmer Choice for her impassioned commitment to address the urgent issues of violence, suicide, and self-destructive behaviors in young people through mindfulness training on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Read more.
Culinary philanthropist and spiritual teacher for her commitment to the study and practical application of the principles of unconditional love and service through A Course in Miracles. Read more.
Artist and animal rights activist for her paintings of companion and food production animals that stir the conscience and attitudes toward the animals we claim we love. Read more.
Public art sculptor for creating works of art that challenge corporate greed, religious hypocrisy and corrupt politics in American society. Read more.
Impassioned Artist for his commitment to sharing the stories of soldiers who went to war in Iraq and Afghanistan through portraits and words that tell the true cost of war. Read more.
Educator and anti-nuclear activist for her decades-long challenge to Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station and her commitment to educating the public about the potential dangers & risks with nuclear energy. Read more.
Educator and camp founder for 25 years of encouraging the inherent talent, beauty and creativity of young children through peace and environmental programs. Read more
Author, activist, and musician for her dedication, personal example and extraordinary leadership in the Disability Rights Movement in the United States. Read more.
International L’Arche movement for building a world of human love, generosity and inclusion for people with disabilities. Read more.
Co-Founders of Maple Farm Sanctuary for their extraordinary commitment to loving and caring for food production animals destined for the slaughterhouse. Read more.
Linguist, political theorist and philosopher for his unrelenting critique of U.S. foreign policy, capitalism and the globalization of systems and structures of profit and greed. Read more.
Founders of The Bethany House for their extraordinary dovotion and service as Samaritans on the path of community acceptance and Christian love. Read more.
Professor, author, feminist peace educator, and former Director of the Peace Corps in Malaysia for seven decades of leadership in the peace movement in the tradition of Quaker Pacifism.
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Former U.S. Air Force helicopter pilot in the Air Recue Service in Vietnam and Minuteman missile crewman for asking the forbidden question regarding the checks and balances on the President when ordering the launch of a nuclear missile. Read more.
Professor, author, activist for playing a major role in breaking the gridlock and promoting peace in South Africa, Northern Ireland, and the Middle East. Read more.
Executive Director and Senior Minister of the Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministry, social justice activist for her commitment to integrating vegan ethics into her decades-long ministry in Boston. Read more.
Peace, social justice, and civil rights activist and union organizer for her life-long commitment to ending war, racism, and violence and working towards a world where peace and justice prevail. Read More
Author, Buddhist, and vegan activist for his extraordinary and uncompromising commitment to a vegan lifestyle, animal justice and the pursuit of a world that is peaceful, kind and cruelty-free.
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Social justice and peace activist and for her unswerving commitment to civil rights and racial equality for over a half-century alongside her husband, Dick Gregory.
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Activist and singer-song writer for his commitment to promoting peace and social justice through his music, his words and his deeds.
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Founding editor of Spirit of Change Magazine for her decades long commitment to promoting the understanding of Holistic Medicine and power of self-healing.
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The project of the Nihewan Foundation for American Indian Education was founded by Buffy Sainte-Marie, singer-song writer, musician and activist in the Untied States and Canada.
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Public health physician and author for his decades-long commitment to researching and examining the health consequences of armed conflict, terrorism and war throughout the world.
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Choral group founders for their creative and unwavering devotion to lifting spirits and keeping hope alive in homeless shelters, prisons, and residential facilities and where they are called to serve.
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American Marxist, feminist political activist, philosopher, academic and author in recognition for her commitment to the Intersectionality of human rights, animal rights and the climate crisis through veganism.
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Humanitarian, muppeteer, producer and director of films for children that encourage tolerance, interracial values, equality and fair play. Read more
For their journey across America by school bus to empower other children to break out of the norm and risk making a difference in the world.
For their courageous effort to end the war in their homeland and for setting an example of peacemaking for children and adults throughout the world. Read more
Teacher and students for their creative efforts within the Bookmakers and Dreamers Club from Groton-Dunstable Regional School District in MA to build the biggest book in the world. Funeral service Read More
President of Egypt for his historic and visionary trip to Israel in 1978 that, challenging the structures of an ancient enmity, led to the Camp David Accords and a peace treaty between the two nations. Read more
Swedish Disarmament Minister, Ambassador to India, college founder, author and social reformer for her lifelong work on behalf of women’s rights, education reform, and the international disarmament movement. Read more
Lawyer, ethical vegetarian, and architect of the nonviolent resistance movement in India and South Africa for his creative approaches to civil disobedience in the founding of a peace movement that helped establish the freedom of an entire nation. Read more
Wandering mendicant and peace activist for her unprecedented 28 year trip across America, in which she walked over 25,000 miles, talking to everyone she met about peaceful living. Read more
American mechanical engineering student for his efforts to provide hydroelectric power to a small rural town in Nicaragua, for which he paid with his life at the hands of an American-backed Contra soldier. Read more
Political activist, author, founder of the Youth International Movement (Yippies) and member of the Chicago Seven, for relentlessly pitting his rebellious spirit against the Vietnam War and other oppressive forces in the United States during the Sixties. Read more
Musician and peace activist for his music and anti-war protests which helped to bring to the attention of an entire generation the ideals of peace and love. Read more
Archbishop of El Salvador for his courageous battle on behalf of the poor communities in his country seeking democratic freedom and social justice from the military powers that oppressed them. Read more
Publisher, pacifist, civil disobedient, and altruist for her work with the poor and founding of the Catholic Worker’s movement. Read more
U.S. Attorney General, Senator and presidential candidate for his activities on behalf of social and economic justice that led to a political and social awakening while on the campaign trail in 1968. Web Link
Pastor and visionary civil-rights leader for his ethical and spiritual leadership in the historic civil rights campaign that forever changed the American nation. King brought the Gandhi tradition of non-violent social activism to the American struggle for civil rights. Read more
Songwriter and social activist for the great artistry and empathy of his classic songs, which conveyed the plight of the common person, from migrant workers in California to union organizers in New York. Read more
American soldier in Vietnam for his unusual bravery and compassion in helping, along with helicopter crew members Hugh C. Thompson Jr. and Lawrence Coburn, to save civilian lives during the My Lai massacre in Vietnam in 1968. Read more
US Representative and respected voice of conscience in Congress for his unrelenting commitment to ending the war in El Salvador and throughout Central America, and for the compassionate care he gave his constituents in Massachusetts for nearly three decades. Read more
American schoolgirl, child peace activist and Goodwill Ambassador for helping to bring about a better understanding between the peoples of the United States of America (USA) and the Soviet Union of Socialist Republics (USSR), and as a result, reduce the tension between the superpowers that were poised to engage in nuclear war. Read more.
U.S. Institute of Peace and Latin America scholar, key international advisor to Colombia’s peace process with the FARC who helped to insure the inclusion of women, Afro-Colombians, and other, previously excluded groups for her unrelenting devotion to peacebuilding in Columbia and throughout the world. Read more.
Teacher and mentor to countless individuals for her loving leadership training that sought to dissolve personal concerns and issues and put the welfare of human beings first in the world.RETURN TO OFFICIAL