Peace Chaplaincy Program


Lewis Randa meets with Mother Teresa to review translation of the prayers for peace before his visit to Medjugorje, Yugoslavia in 1989.



Interfaith Peace Chaplains are commissioned by the Peace Abbey to participate in peace and social justice activities and are registered in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts with the authority to officiate at wedding ceremonies. Chaplains are also available to perform infant blessings, wedding vow renewals, funerals, memorial services and invocations at peace events.

The Peace Seeds Rosaries with the St. Francis or Gandhi medallion are available for a nominal contribution of $10.00.  The prayer pamphlet of the 12 major faith traditions can be downloaded here.

From the friend who makes Peace Seeds Rosaries from beads strung by students at LES:  “Looking around at what happens in the world every day, I come close to feeling like “They do no good at all.  None of what I do matters.  On a more local level though, there are hints that Peace Seeds Rosaries are much more than ‘no good at all’…  Little stories of people who receive these interfaith prayer beads and what they mean to them come to me.  Like rain, drop by drop, these small stories soften the hardened doubt that gnaws at me.”  – Roy Goodwin

Commissioned Chaplains

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
– Mahatma Gandhi