Reserve Activist Training Corps

Learn about the Special Peace Corps
at The Life Experience School
which is under the care of the
Peace Abbey Foundation.


What We Are
The Reserved Activist Training Corps (R.A.T.C.) is a collection of student groups, organizations, and clubs on high school and college campuses working together to present a peaceful alternative for youth considering a future in the military, and to train students in methods of nonviolent activism, protest, and social change.

What We Do
The R.A.T.C. provides information about nonviolent means of conflict resolution. The R.A.T.C. trains students to develop skills as peace activists, as well as organize group trips to rallies and other events. It also aids students who choose to make their cases as conscientious objectors. Most importantly we work towards creating an atmosphere of peace on high school and college campuses.

How We Do This
The R.A.T.C. does all this by simply appearing at their local high schools and colleges and giving students information. Once students make the decision to join R.A.T.C., they will be given the best opportunity to work together with like-minded peers towards establishing the environments of fellowship, acceptance, and peace deserved by their own communities. To find out more about how you can be part of R.A.T.C. or to learn more, email us or call the Peace Abbey office at 508-655-2143. We look forward to hearing from you.

“Those who would throw stones at me, are those who I wish to help most.”

There are few things as subversive as believing in peace.