It was quite a sight indeed. A nine foot statue
of Gandhi, flanked by police and security
guards, was blocking the entrance to the
Goldman Sachs offices in Boston on October 28,
2010. Intended as a gift to be placed in the
lobby as a warning against the evils of greed,
the statue ended up being rejected and then
used to close down the entrance to the build-
ing. Hanging off the wrist of the statue was a
large poster with Gandhi’s words: “The World
Holds Enough for Everyone’s Need, But Not
for Everyone’s Greed”.
The fiberglass replica traveled throughout New England and in the City of New York and was part of demonstrations and protests against war and capitalist greed. Actions such as these led to major benefactors dropping their annual contributions to our work. No good deed goes unpunished! Can hardly imagine how many peace and justice organizations struggle to survive because they stand up to capitalism gone amuck.
Gandhi statue used as a bulletin board for inspirational messages at Occupy Boston. Above photo by Tim Pierce. View his slide show of photos from Occupy Boston.
Peace Abbey matches were available at the front door of the Abbey Guesthouse. No wonder the Abbey fell out of favor with those favored few whose status of wealth found the message offensive. Whether protesting at Goldman Sachs or reminding people of the extent of greed in our society through public art and books of matches, we managed to alienate our benefactors. So it goes. The mission continues unabated, nevertheless.