Donate to the
Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe
The purpose of the Native Land Preservation Action is to support the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe in their resistance to the federal decree removing their sacred land from the federal land trust. This we do by including our own homes, which are located in the original Tribal Territory, in the equation. Though this action is non-binding, it has far-reaching spiritual implications for those involved.
The Mashpee Wampanoag Sacred Land was usurped over the centuries — sold and resold, countless times, generating enormous profits for people of European descent. A portion of their sacred land, we humbly acknowledge, ended up in our ownership and is recorded with the Commonwealth Registry of Deeds and protected by State and Federal Law. In good conscience, this Action says, if our land is protected, then so should the Mashpee Wampanoag Land. How could we accept otherwise?
And to demonstrate our sincerity, we will notify the Trump administration that any action taken against the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Land will be considered action taken against our own homes and property. We take this action believing our own homes become all the more sacred by recognizing their ancestral connection with the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, the keepers of this sacred land.
GOAL: The 321 acres of Mashpee Wampanoag land that are in dispute with the Trump Administration will be partnered by the same number of homes in the original Tribal Territory. Homes and property beyond the Territory will be included as well in the Native Land Preservation Action.
A Quaker-Inspired Action
Why Action is Needed
Crisis Within a Crisis
Dear Friends,
Please consider signing onto the Native Land Preservation Action as a show of support for Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal land to remain a reservation (land in trust) under federal law. Having a reservation is imperative to self-governance and access to tribal housing, health care, education, judicial services, and language reclamation, among other things. The Mashpee Wampanoags’ Tribe has suffered grave injustices concerning their ancestral homeland for 400 years and this is happening again today. On 2/27/20 the U.S. Court of appeals declared the government had not been authorized to take land into trust in 2015. On 3/27/20 Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal land was taken out of trust, disestablishing the reservation.
This is of timely importance as there is a federal court date on 5/7/20 to deliberate tribal land status following a “reprieve” that was given in early April 2020 to the ruling to disestablish the tribe’s reservation. This date was originally scheduled for 5/27/20 but a few days ago was suddenly moved up to 5/7/20. One has to wonder why. There has been a recent groundswell of support for the Mashpee Wampanoags’ Tribal land to remain in trust and perhaps this is the reason.
On Easter, a group of Quakers met on Zoom for coffee and social time. A discussion about Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal land status and how to support the tribe ensued. Out of the meeting came this wonderful idea that the group embraced and the idea took off. The far reach of it is still being developed and explored. If interested in being a part of this support of the Mashpee Wampanoag, please consider signing The Native Land Preservation Action Statement.
Thanks for your attention to this,
N.L.P.A. Quaker Organizing Committee
Gail Melix and Lewis Randa, Co-Chairs
Alan Burt, Bill Holcombe, Kathy Olsen, Carolyn Hall, Sara Altherr, Ken Agin, Jim Gould, Sarah Marter